High-tech gyms of martial arts and fitness.
Personal, with partner or in mini-groups.
Train online wherever you're located
individually with our coaches.
Our interests have long gone beyond
martial arts and more toward the global
issues of our time that we'd like to help solve.
These include tackling age-related diseases,
finding new methods of education
and political organization of society.
In this we find the motivation to do business
planning to invest our company’s future profits in these areas.
That’s why we are gradually expanding our business
with fitness and wellness features,
for instance creating personal app accounts
designed to monitor your health.

It is the individual that has
the greatest potential in humanity.
That statement will now be reflected in
our company with the opportunity
to invest in our new gyms.
Boost your income helping us develop
in the key global directions such as
fighting age-related diseases,
new political and social methods of organizations
and education etc.
Saint - Petersburg
This month
3 331trainings 134this day
2 933 581rub 45 132$